Margret More
Biocodex SA, France
Title: Benefi cial probiotic yeast S. boulardii - Towards a mechanistic understanding
Biography: Margret More
The probiotic medicinal yeast Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 (S. cerevisiae HANSEN CBS 5926) is a well known preand
probiotic for the treatment and prevention of diarrhea. Th e yeast exhibits several diff erent modes of action, including
trophic eff ects, immune-modulatory and anti-infl ammatory actions, pathogen-binding and antitoxinic eff ects, as well as eff ects
on the microbiota. Many diff erent studies in rodents and humans have been published on this topic. Th e yeast enhances the
activity of digestive enzymes and nutrient uptake transporters of the brush border membrane (BBM). Th is is most likely
connected to secreted polyamines, which have a role in cell proliferation and diff erentiation. Th e yeast also secretes digestive
enzymes, for the benefi t of yeast and host alike. S. boulardii leads to a general unspecifi c immune system activation, which can
be considered advantagous in preventing diarrhea. However, during infections and resulting diarrheic situations, S. boulardii causes
pronounced anti-infl ammatory eff ects, thereby supporting pathogen elimination. Th e yeast off ers protection against pathogens and
their toxins. In addition, it stabilizes the healthy microbiota while functioning as a prebiotic. During diarrhea (including
antibiotic-induced dysbiosis), the microbiota are able to regenerate faster in the presence of S. boulardii, along with rapid
symptomatic improvement. More studies are needed to fully understand the various mechanisms and eff ects of the benefi cial