John Thomas
International Educator and Global Microbiologist
Title: Computer generated decision suport for probotic guideline addressing artifi cial intellegnece: An educational strategy/resource
Biography: John Thomas
WHO reported 30% of global population consumes Pre/Probiotics (P/P) worth $87.5 Billion/yr. Yet, considerable misunderstanding
persists fostered by a plethora of commercial products meeting WHO standards. In 2011, we established Global Microbiology
Consulting, including Bac-2-Health (B-2-H) encompassing three educational arms: international surveys (IS), a B-2-H probiotic
library (Probiotic Solutions), and translational research (TR). Here, we describe Phase I of B-2-H development, creating a database
with graded, searchable 7-tiered library for 1) general public, 2) health care providers (HCP), populated by current literature for
evidence based decision support. IS confi rmed limited positive knowledge (31%) of use, benefi ts and limitations of probiotics, helping
Phase I B-2-H database organization/stratifi cation integrating reviewed literature (310 manuscripts), 83% international, describing
the use, mechanism of action, and clinical application with 50 conditions organized into 11 diseases. Phase II, Partners-4-Life,
expands the use of probiotics in chronic wounds and aging, a recent disease as postulated by NIH, based on an additional review of
34 and 35 manuscripts, respectively; this has formed an interesting intersect with links to Artifi cial Intelligence (AI) as an ultimate
strategy for our web based, interactive App. Presently, advances in metagenomics have further fostered our concepts of restorative
microbiology recognizing our hypothesis of dual citizenship, catalyzed by the emerging Hologenomic Th eory of co-evolution which
fostered our new Center for Hologenomic Clinical Studies in 2017.