Jose Luis Martinez
Université Laval, Canada
Title: Epistemology of a new era of healthy foods and the construction of social myths
Biography: Jose Luis Martinez
The epistemology of food is my proposal to elucidate the forms of creation of scientific and non-scientific knowledge about the food phenomenon. From the rhetorics emanating from scientific discourses and in their dissemination, it is worth analyzing the construction of myths, paradigms and popular distortions in the daily life of the individual. New paradigms, scientific discoveries, are often disseminated in a deterministic manner, reducing the knowledge. These disclosures sometimes commercial, generate a complexity of reactions in society concerning the scientific task. Foods with probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics are part of those scientific innovations that their health functions are often diverted into myths because of adequate information. Commercial food claims are legislated. However, the social construction of science is also an identity crisis in modern societies. Then, from the food option of the individual, how identities are constructed and this identity is also associated with manifestations of the state of health. However, an individual has access to food-related to certain socio-economic conditions and cultural conditions specific to their geopolitical origin. Nowadays, talking about food is linked to thinking about health, nutrition, economy, environment, but it is also necessary to talk about the right to food. This raises, approximately, sustainable public policies to guarantee the right to "eat healthily" and "culturally appropriate".